Details Have Impact on Facebook Ads

by | Aug 13, 2020 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

Details Have Impact on Facebook Ads

by | Aug 13, 2020 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

In our blog series based on our free Social Media Steps to Success eBook, we discussed different details about excelling your social media game.

One of the major components of growing your social media platforms is using ads. Ads are used to retarget and target your business’ ideal customers, engaging them to explore your business in the hopes of becoming a future customer. However, a bad ad can be even more unproductive or even detrimental compared to not running ads at all.

In an article provided by Facebook, they explore successful advertisement design through three areas:

  • Text – What words should you use in your ad?
  • Timing – How long should your video ads be?
  • Design – Is your ad visually attractive to your targeted audience?

Developing clear and specific visual and audio elements in ads strengthens businesses and their connection to their consumers.

If creating advertisements and running your business’ social media seems overwhelming, we are here for you. Brandit360 specializes in digital marketing and advertising; creating ads and content for the wide array of industries that our clients serve. Share your story with us and let us create content that highlight and celebrate your business.

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