Social Media Profiles Update – What You Need to Know.

by | Jun 24, 2014 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

Social Media Profiles Update – What You Need to Know.

by | Jun 24, 2014 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

Here at Brandit360 we’re here to give you advice to optimize your brand strategy, and improve its image throughout different social networks. Competition on social networks is fierce, so you can’t afford to waste opportunities to attract new audiences. Users are constantly exposed to so much information, which is why the first impression of your brand must be powerful and convincing in a matter of seconds.

The two most usesd channels for social media have changed their look once again. Take a look at your Facebook and Twitter pages to see what we’re talking about. Chances are your going to need to update your Cover Photo and possibly reconfigure your profile pic. Your logo should fit into the 180 X 180 space given by Facebook, a larger space is now given by Twitter.

Now, we’ve gathered some information to share with you on the changes for the two big guys in social media.

Twitter’s cover dimensions – The new Twitter has arrived!

This popular social media channel rolled out its new profile experience in April 2014 to users all around the world. A radical change, far from the original structure. Twitter’s new look reflects a somewhat familiar place, you guessed it, Facebook.

According to Twitter Help Center: they suggest the following dimensions:
– Profile pic: 400 x 400 px
– Cover photo: 1500 x 500 px

Facebook Changed their look too!

Facebook made some more minor changes, the layout looks similar but a custom cover page with text or your logo may not fit exactly right anymore.

In Facebook, use the cover intelligently in order to attract followers, fans, and audience. You can include links to your other social networks, like your blog URL, or your company’s webpage. You can also use the different tabs to quickly generate more loyalty from users like an email sign up, a menu or a map to your location.

So, if you’re a current customer that we’ve designed a custom Twitter or Facebook Cover for, we are offing you a discount on a new one to fit the changes!

Just $99 (Reg. $150) gets you a new custom cover for Facebook or Twitter.

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