Social Media Steps to Success #7: Measure Success

by | Jul 31, 2020 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

Social Media Steps to Success #7: Measure Success

by | Jul 31, 2020 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

This is the end of our Social Media Steps to Success blog post series, but it doesn’t have to end here. Make sure to download our free Ebook if you haven’t already and reach out to us to see how you can better grow your business online.

While we have given you the tools to equip yourself to increase your success online, you must also be able to measure it. Your last step before setting your plan in action is to decide how to measure your success.


Every company measures success differently. Setting guidelines helps you to determine your Return on Investment (ROI). Throwing back to our first step, decide what your social media goals are and look for opportunities to create content that supplements existing marketing and PR efforts.

Start by selecting three of the indicators below to see what areas of social media produced great ROIs and where you can improve.

These areas can be:

  • Website Traffic
  • Blog Traffic
  • Loyal Readers & Shoppers
  • Page Views per Visit
  • Click Through Links
  • Subscribers
  • Time on Site
  • Conversion Rate
  • Redeemed Coupons
  • Brand Awareness
  • Transactions via Social Promotions
  • Social Customer Service

It’s important to keep track of your success so that you can not only grow more, but also celebrate your wins.

We hope this series has been helpful and educating for you. If you would like more content like this, feel free to message us and let us know what you think. We’d also love to hear what ends up working for you and your business.

Thank you for joining us on our Social Media Steps to Success. Until next time!

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