Steps to Success #6: Listen & Engage

by | Jul 27, 2020 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

Steps to Success #6: Listen & Engage

by | Jul 27, 2020 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

We are coming to the end of our Steps to Success series. It’s not too late though to download your own copy of our Social Media Steps to Success Ebook. It’s been a privilege to walk with you and your journey to your own version of success in social media. With that said, let’s get into it.

You’ve heard it a million times: We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. As much as you might want to dive in and start creating content, make sure you don’t forget who the content is for… your audience. Listening to them might be one of the most important things you do when creating content.


Listen intently, even online.

  • Four out of five consumers are more inclined to buy a brand after being exposed to it via social media

In order to get your audience to listen to you, you first need to prove you’re listening to them.

  • 92% of consumers trust friends and family above all forms of advertising
  • Respond, share their enthusiasm, offer more advice or mirror the syntax and tone of their comment

Interact with social commenters directly to let them know you’ve heard them.

  • 90% of customers would recommend a brand after interacting with it on social media
  • When you converse and interact with your users, 90% of customers will thank you by recommending your brand to friends


Social media isn’t just about posting about whatever your want. It’s about serving your audience in the best way possible. Let’s talk about how you could be better tailoring your content for your audience.

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