Steps to Success #5: Call Followers to Action

by | Jul 24, 2020 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

Steps to Success #5: Call Followers to Action

by | Jul 24, 2020 | Brandit360 Posts | 0 comments

Click HERE for your free Ebook, Social Media Steps to Success, so you can expand your business on social media.

See what we did there? Whatever else your business hopes to achieve, meaningful calls to action will help you reach those goals.

How to get interaction

Ask For Responses (Retweets or Repins)

Don’t be afraid of asking people to share your content. If you believe that your content is important for other people to know about, encourage them to share it with others.

Direct Your Audience to Your Website

By including your website link in your bio or creating content encouraging people to connect to your website, you can begin connecting your audience to more information about your business.

Offer a Coupon Code to be Used on Your Website

Everyone loves coupons. Pushing a coupon code on social media will point your audience to connect to your website. Whether or not they actually use the code, they now know that you have a website with valuable content.

Create a Contest

Get your audience to be excited about your brand by creating contest. You can create a contest using your own created hashtag or a raffle that people have to follow you to enter to get people focused on your brand. This also gives them the chance to share your business with their friends.


There are many different calls to action that you can use depending on your goals. We would love to help you narrow down your goals and call your audience to attention to your business. Contact us today to see how.

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